Optimizing Your Website for Growth and Happy Donors (Webinar)


Have you invested time, money and resources into your website – only for minimal results?

If you’re doing it right, your website should be producing conversions (meaning sign-ups, applications and donors) as well as happy constituents.

Recently, BCS Interactive CEO, Lou Kotsinis gave an in-depth webinar for fundraising guru Rhea Wong’s “Big Ask Gifts” Training Program where he covered the four main components of an effective nonprofit website

(Hint: they are 1. Positioning, 2. Storytelling, 3. User Experience, 4. Functionality)

If you’re responsible for marketing your cause or school, this is must-know content. Check out the webinar here, and download the slides for your own review.

And remember – if you have questions on any of this guidance or want to talk further, we’re only an email away.

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