Optimizing Your Website for Growth and Happy Donors (Webinar)

Have you invested time, money and resources into your website – only for minimal results? If you’re doing it right, your website should be producing conversions (meaning sign-ups, applications and donors) as well as happy constituents. Recently, BCS Interactive CEO, Lou Kotsinis gave an in-depth webinar for fundraising guru Rhea Wong’s “Big Ask Gifts” Training […]

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How AI is Used for Marketing

After years of speculation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) for practical application has arrived. And whether you’re scared, excited, or unmoved by this fact, the one thing you can’t be is oblivious. AI is the real deal, and unlike previous “seismic” trends in technology that never really moved the needle (think voice search, virtual reality, or the […]

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How to Spend Your Nonprofit Marketing Budget

Over the last 10 years, there’s been a welcome transformation in the nonprofit sector. Nonprofits, and the boards that serve them have slowly come around to the idea that they have to invest in marketing in order to expand their mission, stay relevant and attract talent. Not all organizations have gotten the message, but enough […]

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Three Steps to Choosing the Best Software for Nonprofits

Congratulations! Your nonprofit is growing, and as a result, you’ve outlived your existing software platform. Or, maybe you’re moving along steadily, but finding it hard to get things done with your current set of digital tools. Do you look for a new all-in-one digital suite to handle it all? Do you build custom, from the […]

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The Top Five 2022 Nonprofit Marketing Strategy Trends

It’s been an interesting year for nonprofit marketing strategy. Predictions that the entire nonprofit industry would seemingly collapse under the weight of COVID didn’t come to fruition. Instead, in 2021 we saw our clients focus, adapt, and do what they had to do to serve their constituencies. Whether it was moving to virtual events and […]

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