The Art of the Online Fundraising Experience

At BCS Interactive, we work with a lot of passionate and worthy non-profits. Each of these organizations provides an essential service to their community; each has achieved success in one form or another. Those that stand out from the pack, though, have invariably mastered the tenets of online fundraising. Now, let’s be frank. Raising money […]

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Learning Javascript, Progress Part I

I’m happy to report that my goal of teaching myself Javascript is going well.  For the most part. I continue to be fascinated by the language and programming as a whole, so passion has not ebbed.  Time, however, is the challenge.  Perhaps that’s an excuse (if you’re passionate enough about something, you’ll find a way), but with […]

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Is a Theme Really the Right Solution for Your Web Site?

We’re currently in the midst of a major Web site re-design for a medical practice. The process – and the relationship with the client – has been terrific. They get us, we get them; we’re passionate about doing a great job, they’re serious about giving their patients the right user experience. So far, so good. […]

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Why I’m Learning Javascript

I’ve always loved code. I’m not a developer by any stretch, but having worked with and around developers for years now, the “idea” of code has been part of my daily life for some time. The appeal to me – as I’m sure it is for many – is the very basic notion that something gets […]

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Going the Remote Route

A few weeks ago, Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, the guys from 37 Signals, put out Remote, their much anticipated book about – you guessed it -working remotely. I haven’t yet read it, but I’ve been following their argument for quite a while, which in a nutshell advocates that businesses can – and should […]

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