Why Facebook Still Matters for Non-Profits, Pt. 2

A while back, I posted about the value of Facebook as an audience-building tool for non-profits and social causes. My purpose was to counter the argument that organizations shouldn’t consider Facebook a central component of their online strategy, given that it’s become a pay-to-play platform. Today, I’m going to continue to build the case as to why […]

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Throw Out Your “Content.” Write From The Heart.

I’m in the middle of William Zinsser’s On Writing Well – a classic guide to writing non-fiction that I recommend to anyone looking to improve their writing skills.  Zinsser advocates concise, clutter-free writing.  He admonishes his readers to write with purpose.  Reading a book like this got me thinking about “content” and “content marketing” – and how […]

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Why Facebook (Still) Matters for Non-Profits – Part One

It’s always hard to feel sorry for a company that’s grown so large it’s become an inescapable part of our lives. Lately though, Facebook has been receiving an especially bad rap; first, in the notion that it’s no longer the “hip” social media platform. Second, and more importantly for anyone responsible for marketing, is talk of […]

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Don’t Believe the Hype. Believe Your Users.

One of the downsides of the constantly evolving nature of the Web is that it provides fertile ground for hyperbole. With changes in digital marketing occurring so swiftly, tech writers and digital thought leaders readily take to blogs to announce the end of what was, seemingly just yesterday, an effective process or technology. Specifically, I’m referring to […]

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