How to Spend Your Nonprofit Marketing Budget

Over the last 10 years, there’s been a welcome transformation in the nonprofit sector. Nonprofits, and the boards that serve them have slowly come around to the idea that they have to invest in marketing in order to expand their mission, stay relevant and attract talent. Not all organizations have gotten the message, but enough […]

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The Guaranteed Way to
Drive Online Awareness

First, let’s get one thing straight. You need an audience. This may seem self-evident, but too many causes rely on a handful of major donors or stakeholders to sustain them, neglecting the potential thousands who are interested in offering support. As I’ve written before, you can have the greatest mission in the world, but if […]

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Drive Online Awareness

Content Marketing for Nonprofits

Content Marketing for Nonprofits The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as a “strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” Does this definition hold true in terms of content marketing for nonprofits?  Yes. […]

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SEO for Nonprofits

SEO for Nonprofits Let me start with this: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) works. For years, I myself doubted this for our own agency, as I pored over tips and strategies and algorithm updates, convinced that Google was going to usurp SEO entirely for itself. But I now realize that I was being lazy, and that with […]

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Rebrand or Website Redesign?
Which Comes First?

It’s come time to redesign your website. But thinking through your website redesign strategy has revealed some issues with your overall brand. Perhaps your logo is a bit out of step with the times or you’re hearing from your audiences that what they think about your brand doesn’t line up with what they see and […]

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Which Comes First?

3 Warning Signs that You Need
a New Website

In poker, there’s an old saying that if you’ve been in the game 30 minutes and you don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy. And although that’s a bit blunt, it’s an apt metaphor for how many website owners, in organizations large and small, end up realizing they need a new website. That […]

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a New Website

Three Steps to Choosing the Best Software for Nonprofits

Congratulations! Your nonprofit is growing, and as a result, you’ve outlived your existing software platform. Or, maybe you’re moving along steadily, but finding it hard to get things done with your current set of digital tools. Do you look for a new all-in-one digital suite to handle it all? Do you build custom, from the […]

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What the Best Nonprofit Websites
Have in Common

Although Gary Vaynerchuk will say that social media is the most important marketing tool there is, we’re going to respectfully disagree (we still love ya, Gary). We’ve argued for years that a nonprofit’s website is the cornerstone of its marketing efforts. And as a nonprofit web design agency, we can attest that when it comes […]

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Have in Common

Why Business Must Embrace Social Impact

As a social impact marketing agency, we get asked a lot about the benefits derived when a business chooses to focus on a higher purpose, and not just profit. What’s in it for them? How does doing “good” impact the bottom line? And, if they emphasize both purpose and profits, won’t profits end up getting […]

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