Got a new logo? Nice. Here’s how to introduce it to the world. We get asked a lot about how causes should roll out their new logo. It’s a great question. They’ve put in a lot of work and diligence into reinvigorating their brand – it only makes sense that the right audiences should not […]
Category: Website Design for Nonprofits
Content Marketing for Nonprofits
Content Marketing for Nonprofits The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as a “strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” Does this definition hold true in terms of content marketing for nonprofits? Yes. […]
SEO for Nonprofits
SEO for Nonprofits Let me start with this: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) works. For years, I myself doubted this for our own agency, as I pored over tips and strategies and algorithm updates, convinced that Google was going to usurp SEO entirely for itself. But I now realize that I was being lazy, and that with […]
Rebrand or Website Redesign?
Which Comes First?
It’s come time to redesign your website. But thinking through your website redesign strategy has revealed some issues with your overall brand. Perhaps your logo is a bit out of step with the times or you’re hearing from your audiences that what they think about your brand doesn’t line up with what they see and […]
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Which Comes First?
3 Warning Signs that You Need a New Website
In poker, there’s an old saying that if you’ve been in the game 30 minutes and you don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy. And although that’s a bit blunt, it’s an apt metaphor for how many website owners, in organizations large and small, end up realizing they need a new website. That […]
What the Best Nonprofit Websites Have in Common
Although Gary Vaynerchuk will say that social media is the most important marketing tool there is, we’re going to respectfully disagree (we still love ya, Gary). We’ve argued for years that a nonprofit’s website is the cornerstone of its marketing efforts. And as a nonprofit web design agency, we can attest that when it comes […]
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Is WordPress for Nonprofits?
When it comes to redesigning your organization’s website, chances are you’ll be doing so in WordPress. You’re not alone. Recent data shows that 40% of all websites running on the web are powered by WordPress, (and a 2018 report shows that 44% of all nonprofit organizations do so as well). But is this seemingly ubiquitous […]
Design Thinking for Innovation in Purpose-Driven Organizations
In recent years, the concept of “design” in business has taken on a greater role than how it’s classically been defined (i.e., visual layout, graphics, branding, etc.). As organizations realize the importance of user feedback in developing both products and services, an entire methodology–referred to as design thinking–has evolved. Mission-based organizations can benefit from using […]
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Improving Website Messaging to Raise More Dollars and Increase Awareness (Webinar)
How Can I Give If I Don’t Know What You Do? Recently, we had the pleasure of presenting a webinar with our friends over at Salsa Labs on a topic that many mission-based organizations struggle with: improving website messaging. In other words, how can an organization quickly and with impact, define who they are on […]
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Nonprofit Technology and Your Organization’s Long-term Success
Although it’s taken a while, more nonprofits and socially-conscious organizations are embracing a digital-first mindset towards their marketing and operations. They’re realizing that the purposeful use of nonprofit technology, digital tools and online advertising is the most effective way to engage their supporters and stakeholders, as well as to manage critical functions like staffing, fundraising […]
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